Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/14/06 21:12
Osiris wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:21:33 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
> <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>Osiris wrote:
>>>On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 22:34:01 -0000, Jim Logajan <JamesL@Lugoj.com>
>>>>nobody@nowhere.invalid (Peter Boosten) wrote:
>>>>>Osiris <nono@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>time for a Joomla newsgroup !
>>>>>>support the initiative on news.groups and nl.newsgroups.
>>>>>>search there with keyword "joomla" and give your opinion, with solid
>>>>>What's wrong with their forum?
>>>>It appears to be the rough equivalent of a moderated Usenet forum, since
>>>>the owner/operator of the web forum can edit posts, remove posts, or
>>>>blacklist posters.
>>>>An unmoderated Usenet forum would be operating with a different set of
>>>>ground rules that provides almost no centralized editorial control of
>>>>The two types of forums would therefore appear to have some complementary
>>>>aspects (assuming the Usenet group is kept unmoderated) and some
>>>>competitive aspects. E.g: Usenet group too "noisy" - go to the Joomla.org
>>>>forum; Joomla.org forum too restrictive - go to the Usenet newsgroup.
>>>Of course, the choice between the two solutions is a false dilemma.
>>>The situation is not one of XOR, but of AND, for the programmers
>>>amongst us.
>>>A feature of a forum is, e.g. that it can be extremely difficult to
>>>get in: yesterday I spent about 15 minutes to get into joomla.org
>>>forum. Really ! and I'm no novice on the WWW !
>>>The sea of id's and passwords I have for all the forums I have been
>>>to, you would not believe. I regularly forget one... nuisance, and the
>>>veru faint smell of elitism...
>>>Probably a forum is good for a smaller group of developers, but the
>>>regular user, encountering a problem, wants the speed and prliferation
>>>of Usenet.
>>>I think Usenet can contribute significantly in the spreading of the
>>>Word, by just being there and being easy to find.
>>>Also the centralization of the diiscussions on Usenet, versus the
>>>miriad of Joomla forums (every Tom, Dick and Harry....), would be
>>What took you so long? I can sign up for their forum in under 5 minutes
>>- less than three minutes if I don't count the time waiting for the
>>authorization email.
> I can get on to a usenet group in under 30 seconds.... No return
> e-mails, no passwords, no hassle...
> Not every Tom, Dick and Harry putting a forum up... centralized..
So? YOU can do it. That doesn't mean ANYONE ELSE wants it. Many
people are much more comfortable with forums.
Additionally, if someone doesn't have a news reader or news server
available (or don't know how to use what they have - very common!), then
they would have to go through something like Google Groups. I'd much
rather have a forum.
>>And yes, it is a case of either/or. People are not going to post the
>>same information to both the forum and usenet. They'll post it to the
>>forum and that's all.
> Ummmmm, that is an XOR after all ....
Yep, they will post in one or the other - but not both.
>>But this is the wrong place to try to drum up support, anyway. You
>>should be trying to get it on the Joomla forums. But I see you've done
>>that - with, so far, a distinct lack of interest from the Joomla community.
> mmm, does that sound a teeny little bit hostile ?
> You're a forum operator ?
No, not hostile. Just point out that this is the wrong place to be
asking. This is for PHP questions. By continuing to try to use this to
promote your own agenda which is unrelated to PHP, you're acting more
like a spammer.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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