Posted by Rik on 12/15/06 11:16
devranger wrote:
> I am just doing this CURL as a test example. See I am new to
> programming and I am learning php programming through a book called
> php
> web development. I am catching on and in the book I was reading about
> all the cool things you can do with CURL, so I started to do some
> testing becasue this is how I learn. I have been sucessful with
> posting to a few pages on different sites, but this one gave me
> trouble
> and is kind of driving me crazy on why. I really have no use for the
> data just getting it to work or figuring out why it may not work.
> Now I see and have learned a couple things. You mentioned
> or they could have started a session. See I have learned through you
> response becasue I had no idea these were limitation to CURL. That is
> the book never mention it. Thank you.
> Just for my reference is there any other limitation of CURL I should
> be
> aware of?
It's not a limitation of cURL, it's a check they might have on their own
website. You're better of reading up on the normal HTTP protocol, and how
some major sites check their visitors. cURL can set a HTTP_REFERER for you
without a problem, or open the 'previous page' so get a session started/a
cookie. It's just a pain to figure out what they're checking.
Try to go to the page 'manually', and check all headers sent to & from the
site. If you use Mozilla, check uit LiveHTTPHeaders, for MSIE there is
Fiddler. THey will show you what is sent, try to emulate that with cURL.
Rik Wasmus
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