Posted by Tom on 12/15/06 19:14
I'm using the DB_DataObject script createTables.php to auto-generate
the necessary database schema on two databases. Using the .ini
approach (not the in-line PHP approach) to configure DB_DataObject in
my script. Everything is by the book, but I'm having a big problem:
Here's my main.ini file:
database_one = mysql://user:password@localhost/one
database_two = mysql://user:password@localhost/one
schema_location = /home/user/classes/dataobjects
class_location = /home/user/classes/dataobjects
require_prefix = /home/user/classes/dataobjects
class_prefix = DataObject_
And here's my database connect file:
// separate classes for each database
class DataObject_one extends DB_DataObject { var $_database = 'one'; }
class DataObject_two extends DB_DataObject { var $_database = 'two'; }
$config = parse_ini_file('/home/user/classes/main.ini', TRUE);
foreach($config as $class=>$value) {
$options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty($class,'options');
$options = $value;
$DB = DataObject_one::factory("tableName");
// etc...
The problem is that the auto-generator createTables.php copies
everything into one directory, regardless of the number of databases
you enter in your .ini file, which means, as is the case for me in this
example, if you have two tables with the same name on different
databases, it'll keep overwriting the same file, and the resulting
class is the LAST one you enter in your .ini file.
So my question is this: is there a way to specify different
subdirectories for different databases in your initial configuration
file? If not, is there no other solution than giving every table a
unique name across an entire MySQL server if you don't want to do any
Any insight is much appreciated !
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