Posted by Colin McKinnon on 12/16/06 15:46
Flak wrote:
> I am a beginning to intermediate PHP programmer. Home schooled. My
> programmes are starting to get rather big with a couple of thousand
> lines of code and 10's of different files. I am starting to lose the
> bigger picture.
> I want to start using a flow/diagram tool. But I have no idea what
> program to use. Are there experienced users that can help me with this
> subject? What to look for in a program and what to not look for.
One that works on your architecture would be a good start. One which *you*
find effective and easy to use.
UML (a diagramming system - not a specific bit of software) is pretty much a
defacto standard for OO design...but you use the word 'flow' in your
request - does anybody still use flow diagrams? It rather suggests your
coding style is sloppy.
If you are not already using PHPDoc (or similar) then its definitely time to
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