Reply to Re: publish and save button question

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Posted by Vince Morgan on 12/19/06 01:45

"the red dot" <> wrote in message
> i hope i can explain this clearly enough (i am not very good at jargon -
> correct terms - etc) hell im not even sure if i am in the right group...
> anyway here we go
> im trying to build a page where the user can enter some details in a form
> and (on clicking submit/publish/etc) it is uploaded to a database and the
> words entered can then be seen via another page (like a blog) all well and
> good i can do that
> but,
> i also would like a 'save' button which would save the entry for later
> updating/publishing - and i am stuck as to how to make this button do
> this...
I am unsure what you mean exactly by "save" here. The entered "words" can
be saved into a database (above) via the submit/publish/etc already.

> i dont know if what i am asking for is simple or difficult and was hoping
> that somone could point me to some sort of tutorial, ive tried searching
> am unsure of what search terms i should actually be inputting in order to
> get an answer
> sorry to bother you folk with this but i am an old man (45 ha) in my final
> year at university and all our php lecturers have left (taken early
> redundancy) so im stuck with no-one to ask.
> thank you
Perhaps you could tell us whether you wish to save to the client machine, or
at the server end.
And, what is different about what you want to save with the "save" button as
opposed to the "submit/publish/etc" button.
That information could elicit a much more authoritive response.
Vince Morgan

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