Posted by ircmaxell on 12/19/06 10:53
Well, let me clarify... The site is comprised of a complete php
frontend (Joomla). There are 4 HTML files and an XML file that recieve
90% of the traffic (the other 10% accounts for enough traffic to keep
php running fast). The script that we are talking about rewrites those
5 files (plus a tiny one) on every run. I need to use apache for
mod_rewrite and other functions on other domains hosted.
The site : www.bagsofcrap.com
One HTML file http://www.bagsofcrap.com/woot.html
XML file http://www.bagsofcrap.com/woot.xml
Small txt file http://www.bagsofcrap.com/wootdata.txt
I would post the update script, but that's pointless...
On a side note. Would it be worth it to not write 4 HTML files, but
have them hit a small php file instead that queries a database for the
data? Or is my way most efficient?
Toby Inkster wrote:
> ircmaxell wrote:
> > Well, the problem I have, is that durring the peak times, the server is
> > at its limit of resouces (CPU and Ram) and getting around 100 requests
> > per second (images included). So if I could save a tiny bit, it would
> > make a difference... Even at its peak, the script runs every 30
> > seconds
> If the script runs every 30 seconds, but you get 100 requests per second,
> that means that only 0.3% of requests are for this particular script.
> Which means that you might be better off optimising the other 99.7% of the
> requests!
> Although Apache is a lovely server, there are some others which might run
> faster for you if you don't need some of the extra features that Apache
> provides. Take a look at, say, "thttpd" -- your PHP will likely run slower
> (as it runs PHP through CGI instead of mod_php) but the speed-up you get
> for other files may more than make up for it.
> --
> Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
> Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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