Posted by Hugo Kornelis on 12/21/06 21:54
On 21 Dec 2006 09:26:27 -0800, Jimbo wrote:
>Im having problems with an after insert trigger...
>Im trying to join the INSERTED table with other tables to retrieve
>data....Some of these tables it must link to get data inserted into
>them at the same time my original table does...my question is why when
>the trigger runs, my sql statement gets no data...however afterwards if
>I run the statement and use the primary key that was just inserted, the
>statement brings up data?..
>I hope I was clear enough..
Hi Jim,
No, you were not.
Please post CREATE TABLE statements to reproduce your tables (you may
omit irrelevant columns, but please do include all keys, properties, and
indexes), the CREATE TRIGGER statement with your current, non-working
trigger code, some INSERT statements with sample data, the expecte
results and the results yoou are actuallly seeing. That allows us to
reproduce your problem by cut and paste, and to test if our suggestions
match the desired resuls.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
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