Posted by kenoli on 12/24/06 09:15
I want to store thumbnail images in a table with person data and then
retreive the image data and dislay it on a web page along with other
data about the person. All of the examples showing how to retrieve
image data from a blob field seem to assume that it will be displayed
on a separate page sending a header like this:
Header( "Content-type: $type");
echo $data;
I'd like to retrieve the data and display it on a page in the middle of
other information like I would an image file stored in a directory,
<img src=[data from the blob field]>
I don't really understand the Header . . . echo construction. I have
just seen examples of this but no explanations about is how this works.
I thought about perhaps retrieving the data from the blob and then
writing it to a file and then displaying the file using <img> but
couldn't figure out how to do that aside from thinking it may use
file_put_contents() somehow, though I couldn't figure out exactly how
to do it.
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