Posted by brown705 on 12/28/06 16:00
I'm converting a client's web site from ASP to PHP, and besides the
SSIs, there is some variable use and some IF statements that I do not
know how to recreate in PHP (I'm quite amateur in PHP).
It seems the ASP code sets a variable called "page" at the top of each
page on the site, setting a unique number for the page. Then in the
links sidebar, it uses IF statements to identify the page and give a
different link image to the current page. Each link has a bullet-style
image in front of it, and the current page would have a different color
bullet when identified by the "page" variable.
Here's the code:
Each page had "<%page = X%>" at the top, where X was a unique digit.
Then each link looked like this:
<% image = "images/bullet_off.gif"%>
<%if page = 2 then image = "images/bullet_on.gif"%>
<img src="<%=image%>">
<% image = "images/bullet_off.gif"%>
<a class="navMenu" href="somepage.asp">Some Page</a>
Can someone tell me how to recreate this in PHP? Please include
whatever setup code I need to include in order to use variables in the
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