Posted by Ric on 12/30/06 09:11
Tim McGurk schrieb:
> Probably a stupid question, but since I can't find an actual answer...
> Does the max_upload_size variable affect FTP if using a PHP ftp script?
No max_upload_size has nothing to do with ftp, but an ftp script has
nothing to do with browser upload:-)
> I'm working on something where we need to be able to upload .mp3 files that
> are sometimes 11 or 12 MB, but our hosting company has max_upload_size at
> 2MB and won't increase it.
Yeah HTTP Upload is a problem. At work I tried to set the upload to
unlimited, but IE doesn't even upload files that are larger 1GB firefox
has probs with files larger than 2GB, but that wouldn't be a problem to you.
> We want to upload from the browser, not from an FTP client, and I found some
> PHP ftp code, but I assume that max_upload_size will still affect the
> upload, even if we use ftp functions.
> Is that correct?
PHP FTP code will not work the way you want, you want to do upload via
post(a form with inoput field where you can select your file) and there
you have the upload limit problem.
FTP Code in a php script can upload or download to or from a location:
php code(your server) <-> ftp server
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