Posted by petersprc on 01/01/07 21:02
$_REQUEST is a superglobal, so it's accessible at any scope. You may
have a typo: Try $_REQUEST instead of REQUEST. You might also set
error_reporting(E_ALL) to potentially catch some errors.
If you want just query string parameters, you could use $_GET instead
of $_REQUEST. There's also $_POST for posted variables.
Greg Scharlemann wrote:
> There is probably an easy solution to this that I've overlooked
> somewhere...
> I have a main file, call it main.php, and an include file,
> myInclude.php. I'm accessing main.php via:
> main.php:
> -------------------
> <?php
> $page = $REQUEST['page'];
> if($page=="new") include('myInclude.php');
> ?>
> -------------------
> and try to access var1 and var2 from the include:
> myInclude.php:
> ---------------------
> $var1 = REQUEST['var1'];
> $var2 = REQUEST['var2'];
> ----------------------
> both $var1 and $var2 are empty in myInclude.php. How do I "see" var1
> and var2 from myInclude.php?
> Thanks!
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