Posted by Tony on 06/24/05 19:21
toedipper wrote:
>>> It inserts ok but the value for the last field userid is always
>>> written back as blank. The userid should be filled from the
>>> session id $_SESSION[MM_Username]
>>> Any ideas? On the same page that this is on I can echo
>>> $_SESSION[MM_Username] and that works ok.
This problem looks quite familiar - I think we just discussed it last week.
I'm assuming with someone else :)
There are a number of solutions, but here's an easy one:
$MM_Username = $_SESSION[MM_Username];
$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO software (title, shortdesc,
`desc`,version, minreqs, wareid, catid, hpage, dllink, dlsize,
triallength,price, keywords, liveyn, submitdate, submittime, userid) VALUES
(%s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'N',
current_date(),current_time(), '$MM_Username')", <.. code continued as
originally written..>
Tony Garcia
Web Right! Development
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