Posted by Stefan Rybacki on 06/24/05 14:49
> My site has:
> - 1 frame in top where I have some images to change the language of
> the site if clicked
> - 1 frame at left for the menu
> - 1 frame at middle to load the page chosen in menu
> in the index.php my code is
> (i save in a var the name of the page displayed and the language active)
> if(!isset($_SESSION['mainform']))
> {
> $_SESSION['mainform'] = "main.php";
> }
> if(!isset($_SESSION['language']))
> {
> $_SESSION['language'] = "ITA";
> }
> in the TopFrame my code is
> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
> function LanguageChange(language)
> {
> //i get the current viewed page
> document.TopForm.main_form.value=parent.document.all.mainFrame.src;
> //i change the site language
> switch (language)
> {
> case 'ITA':
> document.TopForm.selected_language.value='ITA';
> <?php $_SESSION['language']='ITA'; ?>
> break;
> case 'ENG':
> document.TopForm.selected_language.value='ENG';
> <?php $_SESSION['language']= 'ENG'; ?>
> break;
> }
> document.TopForm.submit();
> }
> $TMPLAN=$_ SESSION ['language'];
> echo"
> <form name=\"TopForm\">
> <input name=\"selected_language\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$TMPLAN\">
> <input name=\"main_form\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"main.php\">
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td>
> <img src=\"../italiano.bmp\" onClick=\"LanguageChange('ITA')\">
> </td>
> <td>
> <img src=\"../inglese.bmp\" onClick=\"LanguageChange('ENG')\">
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> ";
> in una mia pagina che carico al FrameCentrale utilizzo queste istruzioni
> (i have to read the variable of the 2 session or read the value in
> document.TopForm.selected_language)
> <?php
> if ($_SESSION['language']=='ITA')
> echo "testo italiano";
> else
> if ($_SESSION['language']=='ENG')
> {
> echo "testo inglese";
> }
> ?>
> the problem is that i can't change the language as i aspect.
The problem is that PHP is server side and javascript is client side.
Have a look at your source after the top frame is loaded.
To change the language you to reload the top frame with for example a
GET parameter to the PHP script that changes the language.
> Can anyone help me as soon as possible, please.
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