Posted by BuZZard on 01/11/07 03:40
"jitter" <jitf@> wrote in message
> In article <1r8bq2pf09saap3iemkoj0foaa18pc3ceg@4ax.com>,
> usenet@backwater-productions.net says...
> > On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 01:54:35 GMT, "Mowe Z. Slowley"
> > <slowley@TreeEnt.org> wrote:
> >
> > >don't bash the students.
> >
> > Buzzard isn't a teacher, Dumbass. He COPIED and PLAGIARIZED what
> > SOMEONE ELSE posted and then tried to take credit for it...in a rather
> > blatantly stupid way. Let's see, how many websites does Buzzard
> > have...hrmmm...oh yeah, NONE! LOL
> >
> > >bad form.
> > >
> > >unless it was omh. I'm always for bashing omh.
> >
> > Obsesso.
> >
> > >but he's so full of himself he probably never asks anyone
> > >for help. scared of getting bashed.
> >
> > I don't really ever ask for help so much as I ask for tips or more
> > often than not precise terminology. Since I'm not "book learned" I
> > have many of my own sayings for particular things, however if I'm
> > interested in looking up information on how to do something I'm often
> > stuck because I don't know what it's referred to book wise.
> >
> > I also often look for collaboration rather than step-wise instruction.
> > Not only does it help me but it also helps those who are collaborating
> > with me about a particular design concept or code form. This however
> > is reserved only for people WHO KNOW THE FIELD. In BuZZ's case he
> > doesn't know fuck all what he didn't slurp up from someone else's post
> > or some halfass Wiki sputter. In fact BuZZ knows *SO LITTLE* about
> > programming that fuckin Drippy looks like an expert compared to his
> > ability and experience.
> Nice foamage, fatso. Why so angry? Your diaper leaking?
It might be.. but he gets like this when people pick on him..
he is sucking his thumb right now.. crying.. it will be a few before he gets
back to ya.
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