Posted by Mowe Z. Slowley on 01/11/07 04:19
BuZZard wrote:
> "Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> news:bd8bq2ta1bg7vlk085brief3i1gver1han@4ax.com...
>> On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 23:33:39 GMT, "BuZZard" <buzzard@buzzardnest.us>
>> wrote:
>>> "Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
>>> news:dfn6q25mhhkts44htptacnu5rmkbcnrq3p@4ax.com...
>>>> In PHP...how you do you have a variable, array variable?
>>>> Like I have an array called $line_1 all the way through $line_192
>>>> And so I want to have a while statement where I've got like:
>>>> $i = 1
>>>> $pos = 5
>>>> And then do it like $line_$i[$pos]
>>>> Cept it doesn't work. Neither does $line_[$i][$pos] or
>>>> $line_($i)[$pos] or $line_'$i[$pos]' or any of the other combinations
>>>> and variations I've tried.
>>>> In Actionscript everything has a kind of address and I can do it like:
>>>> 'line_'+i+'[pos]'
>>>> or
>>>> line_[i][pos]
>>>> But it won't work in PHP. Maybe it's just not possible in PHP? Or
>>>> maybe there's another way of creating like an array inside an array?
>>>> *confused*
>>> your such a dip shit .... blubber head.
>>> get a clue!
>>> You can create and use variable array variables if you weren't so dumn:
>>> ${"line_$i"}[$pos] = "some text";
>>> to make multi-dimensional...
>>> ${"line_$i"}[$pos] = array('one' => array(), 'two' => array());
>>> and another way.....
>>> ${"line_$i"}[$pos]['one'][0] = array();
>> Way to copy what someone else already posted and pretend that you came
>> up with it, Dipshit.
> I didn't copy anything mr.braindead.. its my own words put into type to try
> to help your dumn azz out... Maybe you should stick to dying your hair and
> giving out makeup tips.
You tellem BuzZ
Was I right?, Or was I right?
wotta goofball.
I sorta picture a cross between
Pee Wee Herman and Boy George.
Stop WW3!!
"Remember: Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires!"
....Smokey the Bear
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