Posted by Rik on 01/12/07 10:13
TMN wrote:
> Thanks - I should have include the statistics code:
> $file=$_GET['fileName'];
> echo "Requested File is: ".$file;
> include($file);
> The include works and finds 'displayIncidents.php' instead of trying
> to find 'displayIncidents.php&delete=true' - is this because I used
> urlencode ?
No, in $_GET['fileName'] is only displayIncidents.php at this point. The
ampersand divides the GET variables. So, $_GET['delete'] == 'true' (the
string true) at this point. If you want to have the
'displayIncidents.php&delete=true' in one GET variable fileName, you should
(raw)urlencode all of it, this means including the & and =.
Rik Wasmus
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