Posted by DA Morgan on 06/25/05 06:49
--CELKO-- wrote:
>>>I assume this is a rhetorical loaded question, but someone reading it might be curious. <<
> Nope. I was hoping to find someone who had worked on a SQL Server
> project in this size range. I see that a lot of these projects are
> expected to grow to x-Terabytes in the future, but are not starting at
> that size in the first year.
> The reason I am asking is that my first thought is to use Teradata or
> SAND, which were meant for VLDB projects.
Contact me off-line Joe. I have hands-on experience with Teradata and
with other RDBMS products in the multi-terabyte range: There are a
number of options.
But keep in mind that if this is in the US you need to keep SarbOx and
the new FTC regs squarely in mind when chosing your approach. You can
do everything right technically and still be in violation of federal
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
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