Reply to Re: Problem with MySQL table

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Posted by Tim Van Wassenhove on 06/25/05 11:31

On 2005-06-25, Jay <> wrote:
> + column 1 (first column) store userID (primary).
> + column 2 store all the skills (at beginning level - number 1 in
> the list above) and separated by commna.
> + column 3 store all the skills (at intermediate level - number 2 in
> the list above) and separated by commna.
> + column 4 store all the skills (at advanced level - number 3 in the
> list above) and separated by commna.

You need a book/tutorial/whatever on database normalization.

I probably would end up with the following

table users (user_id, surname, ...)
table skills (skill_id, description)
table userskills (user_id, skill_id, level)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Tim Van Wassenhove <>

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