Reply to Re: Need help getting hello-world working

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Posted by Robert Maas, see on 06/25/05 19:41

> Robert Maas, see wrote:
> > System login message says PHP is available, so I tried this:
> >
> > It doesn't work at all. Browser just shows the source.
> > What am I doing wrong?
> From: "Ken Robinson" <>
> Nothing.
> Talk to you system admins or help desk. There's a problem with the
> setup on your system.

The full text of the login message regarding PHP is:
2001/06/11: PHP is available. To setup for an extension in your
site, use an .htaccess and do for example: AddHandler php4-script .php
If there are features or modules you need not in our copy let me know
and I'll consider adding it; do not compile your own.

When I originally read that in 2001, I had no idea what PHP was,
thought it was something used only on PPP dialup accounts, which I
didn't have, I have only VT100-shell dialup access, so I ignored it.

Then last year, when I first found out elsewhere what PHP meant, I took
the system message to mean that PHP is generally available, but if I
need to do something beyond the basic stuff I need to set up an
extension, sort of like installing an add-on to a Web browser to handle
macromedia or realsound or powerpoint or MS-Word etc., so I assumed
that for a simple hello-world example I wouldn't need to do anything
special, so I tried, but it didn't work.

Then somewhere in some thread on another topic, somehow my problem
seemed worth mentionning, so I did, and somebody responded to say that
PHP is disabled by default and I need to set up .htaccess to use it at
all. But I was busy with other tasks so I couldn't try it immediately.
Now months later I can't find that old thread and can't remember
exactly what the other person said. So last night after searching for
that old thread without success, believing I need to make such a file
but having no idea what is supposed to be in such a file, I blindly
went ahead and copied the example text from the system message to make
such a file on my home directory, but that didn't make PHP start
working for me. So then I spent another hour or two looking for that
old article, couldn't ever find it, so finally I posted here and you
responsed. Then this morning after seeing your reply I spent another
hour looking for that old thread, but still couldn't find it, so now
I'm back here telling you how desperate I am for your help.

So does that system message give you, a PHP expert, any clue that
there's some simple thing I need to do to activate PHP on my Web site,
or do I really need to bother the sysadmin about this?

By the way, if you're wondering why I'm wishing to use PHP here:
I would like to include PHP in my beyond-hello-world examples:

[Back to original message]

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