Posted by petersprc on 01/19/07 05:59
It seems your javascript is trying to reference a variable using the $
sign, which is incorrect syntax. For example, "alert($k)" is not valid
javascript. Perhaps you meant alert(k) or alert(<?= $k ?>) or
something? I would check the generated html of your page...
JAYO wrote:
> I have a COM Server that create an object with PHP, then from the html
> input sentence using onchange, goes to a javascript function, as
> parameter the input value, within this value i want to get from the COM
> Server an answer. From PHP the object is created with new, as:
> $coi = new COM("Coi4ImplP.Coi4");
> and I can get from the server the answer as:
> $hresult=$coi->Empresa($_POST["empresa"]);
> $ruta=$coi->Ruta();
> $niveles=$coi->Niveles();
> $nombree=$coi->Nombre();
> but in the input area from the html page in the from like:
> <td><input type="text" size="25" name="cuenta[<? echo($n); ?>]"
> value="<? echo($cuenta[$n]); ?>" onChange="<? echo
> rdes($cuenta[$n]);?>"></td>
> the function is:
> function rdes(cta){
> var <?php global $coi; $k=$coi->Ruta(); echo('$k='.$k); ?>;
> alert($k);
> }
> I get an error in the page, if I change $k=$coi->Ruta(); to $k=5; it
> works fine.
> Can somebody help me please?
> Thank you in advance.
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