Reply to Newbie: How to generate multiple web pages with one PHP script

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Posted by Maxim Heijndijk on 01/20/07 17:44

Hello, this is my first on this list. I have a photography website and I
want to gradually convert it to PHP. I'm new to PHP, but I do have some
Perl knowledge and I am an expert in Bash-scripting (linux). Up till now
I used a script to generate a list of nearly identical html-files like
photo/01.html, photo/02.html, photo/03.html etc.. Every page constists
of a picture with caption an previous/next buttons. The photo's are
numbered 01.jpg, 02.jpg etc. The only varying content in the pages is
the size (horizontal/vertical) of the pictures and the captions. The
whole thing acts as a slide show. I want to write a PHP script which can
replace the list of HTML files, is such a thing possible? TIA, Max.

This is the site what it's about (not a plug!! I only want technical

This is the Bash-script I use to generate the pages:



# Check for configuration file

if [ ! -f ./genpages.conf ]; then

echo -e "Configuration file not found! Aborting..."
exit 1


echo -e "Reading configuration file..."
sleep 1
. ./genpages.conf
echo -e "Done..."


# Check for base directory

if [ ! -d "${ROOTDIR}" ]; then

echo -e "${ROOTDIR} Not found! Edit configuration file. Aborting..."
sleep 2
exit 1


# Set direcory level

case ${DIRLEVEL} in

1) DIRLEVEL="../";;
2) DIRLEVEL="../../";;
3) DIRLEVEL="../../../";;



until [ "${LOOPCOUNT}" -ge "${PAGES}" ]; do

# Count the pages and set the variables


if [ "${LOOPCOUNT}" -lt "10" ]; then

if [ "${LOOPCOUNT}" -eq "9" ]; then

NEXT="$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} + 1)"


NEXT="0$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} + 1)"


PREV="0$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} - 1)"

elif [ "${LOOPCOUNT}" -eq "10" ]; then

NEXT="$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} + 1)"
PREV="0$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} - 1)"

elif [ "${LOOPCOUNT}" -gt "10" ]; then

NEXT="$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} + 1)"
PREV="$(expr ${LOOPCOUNT} - 1)"


[ "${PREV}" = "00" ] && PREV="${DIRLEVEL}${STARTPAGE}"

# Check for image files

if [ ! -f "${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/images/${LOOPCOUNT}.jpg" ]; then

echo "No image(s) found in ${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/images/"

# Create subdirectory

if [ ! -d "${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}" ]; then

mkdir -p "${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/images/orig"
echo -e "Created ${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/images. Add your images."


echo -e "Aborting..."
sleep 2
exit 1


ORIENTATION="`identify ${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/images/${LOOPCOUNT}.jpg
| cut -d " " -f 3`"
WIDTH="`echo ${ORIENTATION} | cut -d "x" -f 1`"
HEIGHT="`echo ${ORIENTATION} | cut -d "x" -f 2`"
CAPTION="`grep "CAPTION_${LOOPCOUNT}=" ./genpages.conf | sed
"s|CAPTION_${LOOPCOUNT}=|| ; s|[\\\"]||g"`"

# Write the HTML pages

echo "Writing ${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/${LOOPCOUNT}.html"

echo -e "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0

<html xmlns=\"\">


<title>${GENERAL_TITLE} - Photo ${LOOPCOUNT}</title>

<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />
<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"15;URL=${NEXT}.html\" />
<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Fotografie &amp; Webdesign:
Maxim Heijndijk\" />
<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"Fotografie &amp; Webdesign:
Maxim Heijndijk\" />

<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"
href=\"${DIRLEVEL}../index.css\" />


<body oncontextmenu=\"return false\">

<table summary=\"${GENERAL_TITLE} - Photo ${LOOPCOUNT}\"
align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\"
width=\"100%\" class=\"caption\">


<td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\" width=\"10%\">
<a href=\"${PREV}.html\"><img alt=\"Previous\"
src=\"${DIRLEVEL}images/prev.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"22\"
height=\"24\" /></a>

<td align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\" width=\"80%\">
<a href=\"${NEXT}.html\"><img alt=\"${IMG_ALT}\"
src=\"images/${LOOPCOUNT}.jpg\" border=\"0\" width=\"${WIDTH}\"
height=\"${HEIGHT}\" /></a>

<td align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\" width=\"10%\">
<a href=\"${NEXT}.html\"><img alt=\"Next\"
src=\"${DIRLEVEL}images/next.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"22\"
height=\"24\" /></a>



<td align=\"center\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" valign=\"top\" width=\"100%\"
height=\"10%\" colspan=\"3\">
<br />
<br />
<br />




</html>" > "${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/${LOOPCOUNT}.html"


# Backup the configuration
cp -f "./genpages.conf" "${ROOTDIR}/${SUBDIR}/genpages.conf"

exit 0

[Back to original message]

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