Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/21/07 13:14
Vincent Delporte wrote:
> Hi
> I'm only starting to look at how to write business apps as web
> applications, and would like some feedback on frameworks to ease the
> pain.
> Unless I'm mistaken, tools like Savant or Smarty only help with
> displaying information by replacing keywords in a template with
> information fed from a PHP page that handles the business logic.
> But a business application requires more features, such as:
> - build forms for CRUD, including navigation bars
> - allow some freedom to build pages that display data in a non-tabular
> way (eg. I need to write pages that show data as bars and graphs, not
> rows and columns, while still having to maintain the same look as the
> rest of the pages including navigation bars, etc.)
> - in input forms, validate each field, preferably as AJAX to avoid
> the round-trip with the server
> - etc.
> Considering this... which PHP framework would you recommend? I've
> started taking at CakePHP and ATK, but I'd rather not waste time on
> tools that clearly aren't meant for building business applications.
> Thanks for any tip.
I don't use a framework. I find it faster to just design a template for
the site and build from scratch around that template. I can create
pages faster than many people can create them with various frameworks.
Navigation bars are pretty standard. No problem there. Graphs aren't
bad with a tool like JpGraph, and I use a few other packages for similar
special circumstances.
But some people will swear by frameworks, which is fine for them. Just
personally I don't find them to be of much use.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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