Posted by dorayme on 01/22/07 00:53
In article <abf2$45b406f7$40cba7d0$9109@NAXS.COM>,
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > In article <o5Tsh.1054$ya1.232@news02.roc.ny>,
> > "long eddy" <eddy@nospamplease.com> wrote:
> >> -
> >> .jpg and .jpeg - without renaming all of the existing .jpg files to .jpeg?
> >
> > Yes, open a .jpg and Get Info (command i) and choose "open with"
> > and then "change all"
> >
> Nice try, dorayme, been with a Mac too long.
er... not really. I really thought I was on a Mac group in my
rush, this is such a typical question I did not notice other
indicators clearly saying it was for win98. Sorry OP.
> There is not "command" key
> in Windows. In Win98 thumbnails in Explorer often would get buggered as
> I recall. Been a while, but I think OP my find his answer here.
> http://www.tech-pro.net/howto_011.html
> How To: Repair thumbnail image preview in Windows Explorer
But, you have to admit, it is pretty easy on a Mac. Everything
seems to be easier. Now I know you will say that is to do with
familiarity but there are some objective criteria. No time to go
into this now.
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