Posted by Andy Dingley on 01/23/07 10:15
JAYO wrote:
> I've a COM object with methods. I want an implementation in a HTML for
> using with a java script function.
You can't use JavaScript with COM, you have to use M$oft's proprietary
JScript (the same thing, but with COM)
It all works fine and you'll find it described on many M$oft resources.
I suggest searching through MSDN for starters.
The downside is:
- It's heavily IE and Windows specific. You can forget it for any
other platform.
- Sensible browser users don't allow random COM components to be
deployed to their machines, because of security issues. Even signing
them doesn't change this.
I doubt very much if you need this COM object at all in anything that's
really a "web page". Even if you need something that's more than HTML
can provide, using AJAX is a much more standardised and easily deployed
way to achieve the same results. If you can't do it by AJAX, you
probably shouldn't be trying to do it in a web browser, it belongs as a
desktop app instead.
If you're on a tightly controlled intranet then you might be able to
use it, but not on teh intawebs at large.
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