Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/24/07 00:54
Schmidty wrote:
> If you do a page reload with $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] will your program
> lose a mysqli connection upon the reload of the page? Would this code
> work? I need to know how to carry over a connection between methods as
> I am new to OOP? Thanks...
> Example; ========================================
> <?php
> // webpage
> $newsignon = new newuser();
> logon();
> if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
> $newsignon = query("SELECT name, password FROM
> database");
> }
> ?>
> <?php
> // class newuser
> class newuser {
> public $name;
> private $passwd;
> private $mysqli;
> function __construct(){
> include('dbconn.php');
> $mysqli = new mysqli($dbnet, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
> if (mysqli_connect_errno()){ printf("Can't connect to MySQL
> Server. Errorcode: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
> exit;
> }
> $this->mysqli = $mysqli; // is this right?
> } //end constructor
> function query($query){
> if ($result = $this->mysqli->real_query($query)){
> $result = $this->mysqli->store_result();
> if($this->mysqli->error) { echo "ERROR with mysqli stored procedure";}
> } // end if
> } // end function
> function logon(){
> echo "<form action='".$_POST['PHP_SELF']."' method='post' >";
> // Would this work?
> echo "<input type='text' name='user' /><br /><input
> type='password' name='passwd' />";
> echo "<input type='submit' value='submit' />";
> } // end function
> } //end class
As I explained in comp.database.mysql, you can't. Once a page's
processing is completed, all connections (and objects) are released.
You can keep information like user ids, etc. in the $_SESSION variable,
but not the connection. Even if you could keep the connection info in
there, the connection itself will be closed.
Each page is it's own little program. Any external resources opened by
it are closed at the end of the page processing.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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