Reply to Re: <img width > in apache

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Posted by Zbigniew Lisiecki on 06/26/05 09:49

Joseph Melnick wrote:
> There is a great example on

Hi Joseph,
great, this is what i was looking for.
yet another more question:

Joseph Melnick wrote:
>>> This type of php script will often require greater than 30 seconds to
>>> run therefore you will have to change the default timeout setting at the
>>> start of your resizer script.

there are so many time variables. which one do you use ?
max_execution_time = 300 in /etc/php.ini
won't help a lot - my script returns after aprox 5 sec. and not 5 min.
smaller maps (up to 1MB) are ok, but for bigger one (i need up to 5MB)
@imagecreatefromjpeg doesn't return. it might be nonlinear.
btw. what is this @ standing for ?


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