Posted by Webwasp on 01/26/07 15:24
and stop cross posting!!!!!!!!
"Captain Paralytic" <paul_lautman@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On 26 Jan, 09:48, raj <r...@nospam.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have 3 dropdowns. 1 for day, 1 for month and 1 for year.
>> Does anyone have a script that will varify that the date chosen is a real
>> calendar date (i.e takes into account different lengths of months and
>> also
>> leap years)?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Kind regards,
>> Raj (Newbie)
> This is normally better done in javascript.
> Also it does not seem to be at all related to SQL?
> There's a new thing out there called Google, you may have heard of it.
> If you try using it to search for
> javascript date validation
> it'll bring up a long list to choose from. I have found
> http://www.mattkruse.com/javascript/date/ to be a good one.
> Likewise this new fangled Google will allow you to search for
> php date validation
> and brings up an equally good list for if you really want to do server
> side validation. Stuff from phpclasses.org is usually pretty good.
> As I say, I can't see the SQL significance in this though.
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