Posted by Gordon Burditt on 06/26/05 20:43
>> You know how yahoo has thousands of servers, but you only ever see
>> "yahoo.com/..." in the browser window?
>> I'd like to do the same thing, so as to avoid sub domains such as
>> g1.gallery.com,
>> g2.gallery.com, etc
>> so that everything is just at gallery.com.
> I heard the jargon "Round-robin DNS", but didn't dig on that.
Round-robin DNS requires *EVERY* server in the round-robin to have
access to *EVERY* piece of content it needs to serve. One way of
doing this is a big storage farm (which can contain as many CPUs
as needed) with all the content on it, and some web servers that
remote-mount all the volumes.
If you need more content, grow the storage farm. If you need more
horsepower, add more web servers. Eventually you'll need to upgrade
the bandwidth between the servers and the storage farm. As far
as Apache is concerned, each system has a whole lot of local content.
Gordon L. Burditt
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