Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/26/05 23:52 wrote:
> ok. basically are telling me to do something like this:
> function establishConnection ()
> {
> if ( !$connection = @mysql_connect("localhost","root") )
> die ("Echec de la connection");
> // Je selectionne la base de donnees
> if ( !(@mysql_select_db("djoubarn_Emploi",$connection)))
> showerror();
> return $connection;
> }
> then save this routine in an include file and call it on every page?
> if so , it doesn't matter that the database was never closed?
I always close the connection myself. However, it should be closed at
the end of the script.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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