Posted by Joachim Mζland on 01/29/07 11:51
On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 14:34:09 -0800, Cord-Heinrich Pahlmann wrote:
> On 28 Jan., 22:26, Joachim Mæland <jm-n...@profine.net> wrote:
>> What OS and webserver is the remote site running?
> I have no clue.
Buggy IIS and line endings from a MAC are easy to overcome, but obviously
not what's giving you problems. Never mind the question.
> I have a xampp test enviroment (Apache w/ PHP 4.4.4). I'm sorry, but
> when I uploaded the script to my webhoster it worked. So it might be an
> issue with the OpenSSL support as Micha suggested. I just looked at the
> phpinfo() pages of both configs and on both systems is openSSL enabled.
> My hoster has an older version, though. But that shouldn't be the
> problem.
Micha said it all...
I think the SSL entry you are looking for is an "ssl" entry under
"Registered Stream Socket Transports" in the phpinfo() page. And probably
an "https" entry under "Registered PHP Streams".
> The error I get from my localhost is the following: Warning:
> file(https://SITE) [function.file]: failed to open stream: Invalid
> argument in ... on line...
> It works fine with normal HTTP.
> Since, the script is running on my webspaces I'm fine. But I still would
> really like to know why it isn't working from localhost.
Your PHP installation is probably broken from the maintainer. Try an
upgrade, your distro's own PHP package or build PHP yourself, using bits
and bytes... ;-)
Regards/mvh Joachim Mæland
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
-Mario Andretti.
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