Posted by pwiegers@gmail.com on 01/30/07 13:56
I'm trying to use the result of a conditional statement in a where
clause, but i'm getting 1)nowhere 2) desperate :-)
The query is simple:
(@ageraw:=YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - YEAR(dateofbirth) -
(RIGHT(CURRENT_DATE(),5)<'12-31')) AS temp,
@age:=if( @ageraw > 100,0,
if( @ageraw < 10,0 ,
)) as age
from users u
this works as a charm. But now I want to select users of a certain
age, and I add a where clause:
from users u having @age<50
This is not working. Nor is any other variant I can think of. How can
this be achieved?
greeting, and many thanks,
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