Posted by benb on 01/30/07 09:30
"Colin McKinnon"
<colin.thisisnotmysurname@ntlworld.deletemeunlessURaBot.com> wrote in
message news:Yotvh.85063$z01.32348@newsfe3-gui.ntli.net...
> benb wrote:
>> <snip>
>> $read = ldap_search($connect, $base_dn, $filter, $inforequired)
>> $info = ldap_get_entries($connect, $read);
>> This has returned an array (not sure of the type, is it multidimensional,
>> or an array of arrays?) with 2 values:
>> $info[$i]["displayname"][0]
>> and
>> $info[$i]["mobile"][0]
> <snip>
>> How do I go about sorting this array, so that [displayname] is
>> alphabetical? I've tried using sort($info) but this seems to wipe the
>> array, I've also tried sort($info[0]["displayname"]) but that doesn't
>> seem
>> to sort anything!
> You'll need to write your own comparison function (not tested - YMMV):
> function my_sort(&$a, &$b)
> {
> global $sort_by;
> if ($a[$sort_by][0]==$b[$sort_by][0]) return 0;
> return ($a[$sort_by][0]<$b[$sort_by][0]) ? -1 : 1;
> }
> $sort_by = 'displayname';
> usort($info, 'my_sort');
> // or if you prefer...
> $sort_by = 'mobile';
> usort($info, 'my_sort');
> Note that you don't have to worry about iterating through th array
> yourself,
> or having to code your own quicksort when you discover how slow a bubble
> sort really is...etc.
> C.
Hi Colin,
Thanks for the code, I shall give it a try and report back!
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