Posted by Jψrn Dahl-Stamnes on 01/30/07 19:20
Erwin Moller wrote:
> Hi,
> Beats me. :-/
> What bothers me most is the fact apache is not logging the call to the
> uploadscript.
> I think I would focus on that first before worrying about conversions via
> word/open office/etc.
> I looks like the upload is failing at a very early stage...
I does log the upload script if I add another file (word, jpeg, pdf).
> Some currupt headers or something that confuses Apache enough to refuse to
> log it.
> I never have been in that situation before.
> Maybe you could repost your problem in an apache newsgroup if noby in here
> comes up with ideas.
I consider that.
> Good luck.
JΓΈrn Dahl-Stamnes
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