Posted by dorayme on 01/31/07 22:16
In article
"Andy Dingley" <dingbat@codesmiths.com> wrote:
> On 31 Jan, 17:17, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> > Learn CSS from some good textbook or tutorial.
> Do you have recommendations?
> Plenty of bad ones out there, good ones are worth knowing about.
I have!
Read "Head First HTML & CSS" (readable tutorial, encourages the
right mindset, not a good reference)
Read Lie & Bos (readable, accurate, good reference afterwards)
Read <brainjar.com> (best and most readable text I know of on
CSS positioning and especially float)
Code valid HTML. Getting CSS to work is hard enough with valid
code, trying to do it without is crazy.
Validate your HTML, so that it actually _is_ valid
Write well-structured HTML. Less is more. A minimal HTML page is
usually better than one with excess taggage all over the place.
Write detailed HTML. HTML should be minimalised as much as
possible, but no further! If you _need_ that extra <div> or
<br>, then use it. Don't play gymnastics with CSS selectors when
a slight addition to the HTML gives a simpler solution overall.
Don't pander to browser errors. If you can't fix it neatly in 5
minutes, either don't use that feature or just let the IE users
suffer until they learn bettter. _Don't_ write crap code just
because it works in this Tuesday's IE patch. You have to live
with this stuff long-term afterwards.
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