Posted by Erwin Moller on 06/27/05 13:58
Shelly wrote:
>> The OS user Apache is running as does not have permission to
>> create a directory where you want it to.
> Exactly!!!! How do make that possible? That is the $64K question.
1) By finding out which OS user it is that Apache runs as.
2) Making sure the directory in which you want to create files/directories
INCLUDES that user mentioned under 1).
This can be done by opening the directory to:
- everybody (chmod 777), which will surely include the user under 1).
- a group
I think the group-approach is the best.
Create a group called shellyapache, and add user shelly and user apache to
Now create the directory IN WHICH you want to create new directories and
give appropriate filepermission TO THE GROUP shellyapache.
In that way you directory is safe for everybody.
One drawback is that other users on the same machine have access to the same
apache-user (under most configurations), and they could try to reach this
If this is a concern to you:
An easy (not state of the art) way to make this more difficult is naming the
directy strange, like HJKGJHFHTGDFHGJFJH76456546.
Nobody will guess that.
Hope this helps.
Erwin Moller
PS: If you need help with groups and such, read the URL from Redhat I sent
you in a previous post.
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