Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 02/04/07 07:02
On Feb 3, 2:09 am, "" <> wrote:
> I'm going to create applications PHP + AJAX + Linux + Apache + Postgres.
> - Other Open Source technologies / Frameworks, etc. also :)
> Is this book
> suitable for my "case"? I'm asking persons who read this book :)
FWIW.. I haven't read that book.. but...
The real conceived use of Ajax is to avoid unnecessary data
retrieval (and so JSON); but that is proved to be wrong in many
Many applications prefer "degrades gracefully" architecture and
unobtrusive JavaScript. The idea is:
1. You construct the web application in standard compliance manner
2. Then you Ajaxify the application--usually "degrades gracefully"
SEO and easy interation is major advantage. My <spam>BehaviorS.js</
spam> and JQuery libs could be mentioned here.
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
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