Posted by Flair on 02/04/07 18:31
Adrienne Boswell wrote:
> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Flair" <Flair@none.not>
> writing in news:3-qdnQOMD6SuilvYnZ2dnUVZ_qSrnZ2d@comcast.com:
>> Not sure exactly what to ask, so I'll give the scenario instead;
>> I have a personal website with a media.htm page in it. None contain
>> "foul" language at this time. But I've recently come across a few
>> that I'd like to upload that I think are funny but DO contain
>> "naughty" words. What I'd like to do is give my visitors another
>> chance to opt-out should they change their minds after clicking (the
>> already well-explained) link. So my question is this .... Is there a
>> way I can create a SINGLE "warning, foul language ahead" page that
>> will send the visitor to the correct media file if there is more than
>> one link to that type of thing on my media.htm page?
> Yes, create a gateway page. You could have thumbnails of the movies
> on the page, with a rating of each, so the user would know before
> accessing it. For example:
> <p><img src="marypoppins.png" alt="Mary Poppins"><br>Mary Poppins
> (1964) - G </p>
> <p><img src="caligular.png" alt="Caligula"><br>Calligula (1979) -
> R</p>
That's how I do it on my (already exisiting) "media.htm" page. I give a
breif description of the file, and assign it a rating of "G", "PG", etc.
Currently I don't have any "R" but I'm thinking of adding some, hence my
request. I'm just looking to offer ONE MORE chance for the visitor to
cancel before the audio/video loads.
>> Kinda like an "IF/THEN" type of thing. In other words, I'd like to
>> have the warning page display for about 5 seconds before it loads the
>> video, but I don't want to have to make a different warning page for
>> each individual "R-Rated" audio or video file. The SAME warning page
>> would "know" what file to direct you to by knowing what link you
>> clicked on from my media.htm page.
> You could do something server side with a database. For example:
> SELECT video, rating FROM movies WHERE id = 2 and then create a
> warning based on the record's result.
Too much of a newb to even understand that. :-) I'll Google "server side
>> Sorry. I'm a newb, and I didn't know how else to ask, or what the
>> heck I'm really even asking for. :-) Seems to me it can be done
>> using javascript, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
> I would say that javascript might be a really bad idea, simply because
> you cannot always guarantee that the user has it.
Which is why I'm shying away from it.
> You can use ICRA labeling <http://www.icra.org/sitelabel/> in
> addition. Programs like NetNanny can read the labeling and make
> decisions from there.
That's another thought I already had. But I've discussed doing this with my
web host, and they inform me that if I use "due diligence" as far as warning
people about what they are about to see/hear, it's OK with them so long as
there's nothing illegal going on like warez or kiddie porn. And that's what
I'm trying to accomplish. I don't want someone to come to my site and
accidently click on a link they don't really wanna see/hear. That's why I
though about the "Warning" page. Not only does it give them a second chance
to cancel, it also covers ME in the event that a parent walks in on his/her
child while playing an audio file with the "F" word in it. If they have to
click TWICE to see/hear it, I think that's due diligence on my part.
I guess it's not a big deal if I have to make a seperate "warning" page to
link to different media files using HTML though. It's really only a matter
of creating the one template, and then just changing the links. Still, I'd
have to remember to upload the seperate warning page for each "questionable"
media file I upload, which is what I was trying to avoid if possible.
Thanks for the repy.
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