Posted by Andy on 02/05/07 00:07
"Arjen" <> wrote in message
> Andy schreef:
>> I have many pictures in the folder. Some of them I want to delete.
>> Because my FTP server shows only 1000 pictures, I am using following
>> script. Unfortunately it deletes single files only and it takes a time to
>> reload after deleting.
>> What I want is your help to modify this script so I would make check
>> marks at the file and than press a button to delete selected files.
>> I am sure there are people who would do it without a problem.
>> Your help will be appreciated.
> Presuming the files have no strange characters. Otherwise use
> urlencode($file) iirc. I didn't test this btw so be carefull (use echo
> "unlink ('/path/to/file/'$file)"; first
> if (isset($_POST))
> {
> foreach ($_POST['file'] as $myfile)
> {
> unlink('/path/to/file'.$file);
> }
> }
> echo '<form>'; // etc
> $handle=opendir($path);
> while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) {
> if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
> echo '<input type="checkbox" name="file[]"
> value="'.$file.'"/>'.$file.'<br/>
> }
> }
> closedir($handle);
> echo '<input type = "submit">';//etc
> --
> Arjen
I tried to follow your message but I get a parse error.
I am a new to PHP and do not know how to modify my script.
In order to test it place it in any directory on your site. It is really
nice deleter, but I need multiple file deleter with check boxes.
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