Reply to Re: I have sub-categories but want to display full category path

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Posted by Michael Fesser on 02/05/07 14:41

..oO(Phil Latio)

>Based on your model I came up with the following. It uses Jason Gilmore's
>MySQL connection class from his book "Beginning PHP5 and MySQL" published by

You don't have to reconnect to the MySQL server in each and every loop.
Do it once before entering the while loop, then just fire your queries.

>I am quite pleased with this as I managed to get rid of the trailing >>
>which looked very untidy.

There's another (IMHO easier) way to avoid that: While running the
queries collect all breadcrumb items in an array. After that reverse the
array and just use implode() to print it out with '>>' separators. Also
set error_reporting to E_ALL while developing - your code will throw
some notices.

Slightly modified, but untested:

function breadcrumb($object) {
$db = new MySQL("*****", "*****", "*****", "***");
$breadcrumb_array = array();
while ($object > 0) {
SELECT category_name, parent_category_id
FROM category
WHERE category_id = $object"
$result = $db->fetchArray();
$breadcrumb_array[] = $result['category_name'];
$object = $result['parent_category_id'];
print implode(' >> ', array_reverse($breadcrumb_array));


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