Posted by Richard Lynch on 10/04/00 11:07
Nuzzo Art-CINT116 wrote:
> 1 => "-.15" + 0,
> 6 => "-1.15" + 0,
> [1] => 0
> [6] => -1.15
> Is this a bug or am I missing something.
Looks like a bug to me...
It's remotely possible that it's documented somewhere that "-.15" doesn't
turn into a number, but that would be pretty bogus, eh?
But who knows: There may well be a technical or philosophical reason for
not allowing that format. I can't see why, but I ain't the guy writing
the code :-)
Check and file it at http://bugs.php.net
I suppose it's also remotely possible that "rounding errors" are at fault,
but that's pretty damn big round error... More likely, the regex to
detect a "number" at the start of a string doesn't include "-.[0-9]*" as a
valid case.
Possible work-around:
I suspect that
$p1[14] = "-0.15" + 0;
will do what you want, since the leading 0 will probably trigger the regex
Try it and see.
PS You should probably have posted the PHP version and whatnot as well, as
I wouldn't be surprised if the bug is version-specific...
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