Posted by Wes Groleau on 02/06/07 00:09
Ben wrote:
> I also encourage you to use the Upsize Wizard of Access because that is why
> it is there. It will definitely be quicker for you in the long run.
> The upsize wizard if the access database or data have problems.
_It_doesn't_work_ It gives NO errors the first few "next" screens
and then the wonderfully informative "Overflow" popup. This behavior
is consistent with several unrelated Access databases--including ones
that are working perfectly and have small amounts of data.
This is a known problem with Access 2000 unless a particular
update is installed. But I did not know about that update until
I learned of it in this thread. I had been believing the numerous
people (including the author of a published SQL Server book) who
said the bug could only be fixed by getting Access 2003.
Wes Groleau
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