Posted by lorento on 02/06/07 05:00
quick and dirty code :
$fp = fopen ("http://www.abc.com/abc.txt" ,"r");
$data = fread ($fp, 2048);
fclose ($fp);
$fp = fopen ("/home/data/abc.txt", "w");
fwrite ($fp, $data);
fclose ($f);
On Feb 6, 5:20 am, "J.O. Aho" <u...@example.net> wrote:
> vivekmaha...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I dont know if I explained myself properly. Actually, suppose there is
> > a file located on a URL likewww.yahoo.com/gogo.txtand I want to
> > download gogo.txt from the yahoo website using php. How do I specify
> > that in PHP ??
> You can start with reading the following page,http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php
> it will give the information you need on downloading a remote file and saving
> a file. When working with ftp/http protocols, you will need a wrapper that
> allows you to use those protocols with fopen().
> --
> //Aho
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