Posted by soup_or_power@yahoo.com on 02/07/07 17:14
On Feb 7, 10:50 am, "J.O. Aho" <u...@example.net> wrote:
> soup_or_po...@yahoo.com wrote:
> > On Feb 7, 10:30 am, dfloss <dfl...@imap.com> wrote:
> >>> Then I tried the following in frame1.html
> >>> <a href="test.jsp#bookmark1" target="left_frame"> bookmark1 </a>
> >>> <a href="test.jsp#bookmark2" target="left_frame"> bookmark2 </a>
> >>> This calls the test.jsp script on the server. I don't want the
> >>> test.jsp called more than once, i.e. at the time of initializing the
> >>> frames.
> This how it works, specially when you target from another page/frame.
> Maybe you should think of redesign your site to not use frames if anchoring
> into the page like this, think most clients won't reload the page if the links
> are in the page itself.
> Using CSS/JavaScript can make it look like if it was framed and you can also
> include AJAX if you want to load parts of the page at the time.
> --
> //Aho
Thank you for your feedback. I gave up on frames and used the
Javascript code here:
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