Posted by Justin on 02/07/07 07:29
rfhurley wrote:
> On Feb 6, 7:24 pm, "Benjamin" <musiccomposit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 6, 3:32 pm, "rfhurley" <rfhur...@yahoo.com> wrote:> How do I run a .php program? (I'm starting with the "hello world"
>>> script)
>> Well, put your .php file in the document root of the webserver (eg. c:
>> \Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs) and typehttp://localhost/youfilename.phpinto a web browser.
> Benjamin,
> Thank you for responding. OK, I put the php doc in the correct folder,
> where localhost is able to fid it, but it just reads out the code. Do
> I have to configure the PHP in a certain way for the script to work?
> btw, the script reads: "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" (quotation marks mine)
sounds like you haven't told apache what to do with .php files.
Re read the installation details for php and what you need to put in the
hpptd.conf file to get Apache processing php files.
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