Posted by Captain Paralytic on 02/08/07 13:35
On 8 Feb, 13:27, "rukkie" <ruk...@belgacom.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some problems with a PHP reference in a <SCRIPT> tag, but only
> with the Internet Explorer, which gives a "Error on page" message in
> the Status Bar.
> The code is as follows :
> <script>
> <!--
> var stat =<?php echo stripslashes($status); ?>;
> window.status = stat;
> //-->
> </script>
> The error given is :
> Line:24
> Char:13
> Error: Syntax error
> Code: 0
> Char 13 is the "<" or looking to the source of the page with the IE
> browser, it's ";"
> I get the error message as said before only in the Internet Explorer
> browser and it does not affect the display nor the functionality of
> the page, but it's not good looking ...
> Has anyone out there a solution to get rid of the "error" ?
> Thanks in advance.
Justa guess, but try surrounding the php call with quotes.
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