Posted by Mimic on 06/28/05 01:08
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Jun 2005 23:08:47 -0700, newcastle <dan@dan.nospam> wrote:
>>Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>I contributed my thoughts to the only article in existence (as far as
>>>Google can find) regarding liquid images:
>>>He, he, he...it seems that once again I have made web design history.
>>>For those who aren't retarded like Starshine Moonbeam aka MORONbeam,
>>>here's teh actual code segments:
>>>HTML File
>>>:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Fuzzy" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
>>>: <html>
>>>: <head>
>>>: <title>Histology Tutorial</title>
>>>: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
>>>: <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"/>
>>>: <meta name="keywords" content="Backwater Productions, histology, WWCC, Walla Walla"/>
>>>: <meta name="language" content="en-us"/>
>>>: <meta name="distribution" content="GLOBAL"/>
>>>: <meta name="copyright" content="Backwater Productions 2005"/>
>>>: <meta name="author" content="Backwater Productions"/>
>>>: </head>
>>>: <body style="margin-left:0; margin-top:0; margin-right:0">
>>>: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="internals.js"></script>
>>>: </body>
>>>: </html>
>>>JavaScript File
>>>: document.cookie = "farfoos=" + document.body.clientWidth;
>>>: document.write("<img src='index.php'>");
>>>PHP File
>>>:$filename = 'shapes.png';
>>>:list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
>>>:$new_width = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["farfoos"];
>>>:$new_height = $height / $width * $new_width;
>>>:$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
>>>:$image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
>>>:imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
>>> --
>>>Onideus Mad Hatter
>>>mhm ¹ x ¹
>>Is there a way to make the image resize without refreshing the browser?
> The best I've come up with in the past hour is to alter the JavaScript
> file like this:
> : document.cookie = "farfoos=" + document.body.clientWidth;
> : document.write("<img id='shapes' src='index.php'>");
> :
> : window.setInterval("check()", 1);
> : var width = document.body.clientWidth;
> :
> : function check()
> : {
> : cwidth = document.body.clientWidth;
> : if ( width != cwidth )
> : {
> : document.cookie = "farfoos=" + cwidth;
> : document.getElementById("shapes").src='index.php';
> : setTimeout("width = cwidth;",250);
> : }
> : }
> The problem though is that you have to start off windowed and then
> make it bigger for it to work. If you go from big to small it won't
> resize because it just puts in a scroll bar and the clientWidth stays
> the same. I tried to put in a scrolling:hidden style into the main
> HTML file but then the whole thing didn't work at all so I'm not
> completely sure, it may not be possible without a refresh.
> Although impossible is usually just another way of saying "I don't
> have time". For my own purposes it works the way I want it to. The
> next thing I'll probably do with it is to make it so that it can
> handle PNG alpha transparencies as the current version does not and
> that's a function that I require for my next major project.
> --
> Onideus Mad Hatter
> mhm ¹ x ¹
> http://www.backwater-productions.net
See previous - but you could forward the index to itself and include the
dimensions as get variables. Also, I meant to say before, but Ive just
forgotten again - oh yeah, add in an onresize - refresh function.
Oh and btw, before you go on about blinders - like you said, theres a
much easier way to killfile people without running software filters.
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