Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/11/07 18:57
Scripsit Jonathan N. Little:
> tuntis wrote:
- -
>> Oh wow! How about you shove your "sarcasm" up your ass? Internet *is*
>> serious business, you know!
> And you might pull your head out of yours...his points are good if
> your actually considered them. Anyway if you are replying to John why
> did you post under Leif?
This "tuntis" is apparently completely clueless in addition to being a
misbehaving coward (who insults people hiding behind a fake identity). The
"blog" he/she/it quotes says:
"I made this “blog post” to promote the blog at search engines incase
somebody searches something related"
So please don't pay any more attention to the noise that "tuntis" makes.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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