Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/12/07 22:26
dorayme wrote:
> The WBD version I have used to work fine in this regard. But
> perhaps now it does not with the updates to the browser itself?
Which version is that?
> ...
> In looking at the browser to see how to check up on which version
> of the WDB (in response to your words Jonathan) I now notice
> something! The element names _are_ showing, but not at bottom as
> before in the left bottom of browser where hovered links display
> etc (is there a name for this area? I think there is, and js
> people use it?). They are showing in a little "Web Developer"
> field under (roughly) the url field. A fancy pants new thing, at
> least so far as I have now noticed.
Actually I was unaware of the tool, I had always used the DOM inspector
for such diags. This could be handy...
Take care,
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