Posted by Claire DURAND on 02/13/07 16:35
I try to open a distant (not local) XML file in PHP to read an RSS feed.
I can open an HTML page and read it with the file() function.
But as soon as I try with a RSS feed instead of HTML and I try to read
or open with file() or fopen(), it doesn't work, I have the following
errors :
Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: php_hostconnect: connect failed in
D:\test.php on line 10
Warning: fopen(http://www.clubic.com/xml/news.xml) [function.fopen]:
failed to create stream: Bad file descriptor in D:\test.php on line 10
In my phpinfo, the parameters are like this :
PHP Version 4.3.1
Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, compress.zlib
allow_url_fopen On On
XML Support active
XML Namespace Support active
EXPAT Version 1.95.2
My source file is :
$fichier_xml = "http://www.clubic.com/xml/news.xml";
$file = fopen($fichier_xml,"r");
Could someone help me ?
(Sorry for my "frenchynglish")
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