Posted by JM Ivler on 02/14/07 08:47
Flair wrote:
> What would you pro's out there consider to be a fair price to fix this mess?
> http://www.eastcoastkitty.com/
> Not looking for any ridicule over content and such, just asking what would
> be a fair price to set it straight, including making the PayPal shopping
> cart work.
> I estimated the repairs at about $300.00, but I'm thinking that may have
> been too low.
way low.
1) get osc (oscmax is the best version)
2) get a list of every product and fill up the uploader (easypopulate)
that comes with it and pre-load the products
3) template design
4) testing and integration to paypal
$500 for OSC setup
$200 for data work
$350 for template design
$250 for integration to paypal
$200 for testing
I would also recommend an SSL cert
If they want any additional OSC development then the charge is $120/hr.
For the record, this is NOT what I charge, but then again we use a very
customized version of OSCMax and include in it a large amount of
additional components and reports (and we charge $250/hr for customized
programming and SEO - which explains why our OSCs are generally on the
first page of google).
So yes, you're low - YMMV
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